Mike Visser '02 presented with Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation
Mike lives in Thunder Bay close by to fellow 2002 grads, Trudy Aalbers Reid , Jason Reid and Johan Hutsma.
Mike's acceptance speech:
"Thank you to everyone for coming today, I'm honoured to receive this award and grateful that so many people could be here to celebrate it with me.
Thank you to the Ministry of Agriculture for providing this opportunity and
recognizing the value that Ag related businesses bring to the Ontario economy.
It has been quite a journey to get to where I am today. I would like to take a minute to share with you some things that brought me to where I am now.
From a very young age I have always had a passion for agriculture, I did not
have the fortune of being raised on a farm, but always dreamed that one day I would have my own farm. Growing up I spent as much time as I could on my Grandparents dairy farm. I also became involved in the local 4-H club and spent countless hours training calves and travelling to 4-H shows across Mid-Western Ontario. After high school I attended Kemptville College and received a diploma in Agriculture. After graduation I worked on a number of different farms and for Ag related businesses. While this gave me a lot of experience and knowledge, I still had a longing to have my own farm.
Just over 5 years ago, one of my good friends and mentors was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. I was asked to step in a help keep his farm running as smooth as possible while he underwent surgery and treatments. Working on the farm and walking along side his family during this was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. But, it also showed me that the path I was on, was not going to lead me to where I wanted to go.
So I began seeking out other ventures. I already have a number of good
friends here in Thunder Bay, and a general knowledge of the agriculture
community. After doing quite a bit more research it became clear that there
was a huge demand for locally produced products, the land was substantially
cheaper than southern ON, and there was nobody direct marketing veal. So, I
found a place to live, a farm to rent, a full time job and moved north to begin a new chapter!
July 2012 I began raising calves and seeking out ways to market them,
including connections with local stores, restaurants, caterers and of course the Thunder Bay Country Market. After 3 years of growing calves and developing new avenues to market my product, I was able to purchase my own farm and go full time on my own, definitely a dream come true!! Right now I am raising about 120 calves and a connected with about 19 different restaurants and stores including The Silver Birch, Bistro One and The Red Head and the Chef.
Looking back, I'm amazed at what I have accomplished in the last 4 1/2 years. But let me assure you this hasn't been an easy road. There has been numerous hurdles to overcome and situations where there was no option but to try to grin and bear it. Thanks to some great friends for a bunch of counselling sessions, tons of coffee and a few stiff drinks, I was able to persevere. Looking forward I'm excited to see how this venture is going to continue to grow.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the phenomenal
support from the local agricultural community, market community and churchcommunity. I am truly grateful, thanks again!!"